How much banana is in my banana?

Founded in 2022 to meet a disturbing gap in nutrition and sports science, HMBIIMB finally answers real questions: Does size matter? Does ripeness matter? How much banana is in my banana?

No more wondering what’s happening inside this bewildering, self-containered fruit. Athletes, chefs, banana enthusiasts. Our high-quality research has you covered.

Thanks to these high-caliber collaborators:

B.K. is an internationally award-winning developer, programmer, and designer, featured many times in the NYTimes and other publications. He created the calculator programming and interface.

S.O. is an engineering PhD working with the D.O.D. He contributed invaluable insights and technological assistance in collecting and interpreting banana data.

Disclaimer: HMBIIMB takes no responsibility for your individual health, fitness, nutrition, or baking. Please consult a licensed banana expert before doing anything.